The Mayan Calendar & The Mayan Daykeeper Tradition & Practice
The Mayan Calendar has 4 main components:
*The Long-Cycle-Count Calendar: The Cycle Count instrument designed to provide human beings with a reference for noting and interpreting the Large Cycles of Time and Development related to our Milky Way Galaxy and the Course of our Civilizations.
*The 20-Year-Unit Calendar(Katun): The Cycle Count used for understanding and prophecy concerning to course of human societal events during 20 year intervals.
*The Solar/Ceremonial Calendar(Haab): The 365-Day Calendar used for the marking & timing of Agricultural and Ceremonial events, signs and rituals
*The Sacred 260-Day Count (Tzolk’in): The 260 Day Cycle Count designed to enable human beings to use their 'spirit sight' to perceive further and deeper into the things subtley arranged concerning their lives in this 4th Creation. The Mayan Daykeeper practicioner mainly uses this Sacred Cycle for Spirit Healing, Advice and Counsel.
If you are interested in a Mayan Calendar Reading, please see information below:
*Raymond is available for Mayan Tzolk'in Calendar Readings by phone or Skype on Weekdays and most times on Weekends.
*For Information and Appointments, please contact:
Nobie or Raymond Tarpey:
*Email: nobtarpey@gmail.com
(make sure to type raymond without a "d")
*Tel: 503-544-5622 or 503-998-1760
*The Readings are 1 hour in length and the Reading Fee is $145
*The Readings are digitally recorded and are sent to you quickly via Email, unless other arrangements are preferred.